Remember your teens when you hated your life and all you wanted to do was grow up? The time when we thought that by the time we are 29-30, life will be sorted and my, oh, my… What a sorted life, indeed!
But, then Cathy Yuspa and Josh Goldsmith came ahead and showed us what it would be like if we suddenly grew up and tried to live our ‘ideal’ life. And believe you me, it was the biggest eye-opener for how adulting really sucks!
Well, I could go on and on if I have to talk about how relatable the movie is, but this is not why you came here or did you?
Honestly, I wish that this movie came out when we were 13… Would have saved all of us from so much trouble, no?
But, there is a lot that can be learnt from this movie apart from the fact that adulting sucks BIG TIME!
5 Marketing and Design Lessons from 13 Going on 30
1) Be Your Own Self

Even when Jenna was 13, she was nothing like those mean girls and did not know anything about all those boys’ magazines.
At her birthday party, when Jenna was dancing to her favorite song, I believe that was the only time she was enjoying her own birthday party.
And there is your first design lesson right there — Even if you are clueless about your marketing strategy, all you gotta do is what you know the best - work on your specialty and that’s how you can market your USP to your customers.
2) Keep Up With The Enemy

When Jenna was suddenly 30, she discovered that she worked for a magazine called Poise and that their rival magazine was Sparkle.
Later on, when she started to get a grasp on her magazine, she realized that she had to keep up with their competition - Sparkle.
And there is your other marketing lesson… No matter what you are doing or where you are… Keep an eye out for your competition. KNow their strategies, follow up with them, and make sure you know that you are at the top of the game.
3) Find that Connection

When Jenna is suddenly 30 and she has no idea of what to do with her life, the only person she can think of going back to is Matty.
She even tracks him down to Greenwich village and demands him to fill her in.
Amidst all the hustle and bustle of life and coping with the fact that she’s now 30, the only person she counted on was Matty.
And there goes your another design and marketing lesson!
Your brand is what your customers will connect to! So, no matter how many products or services you add or the number of times you revamp your website, if your customers can’t have a common ground with your brand, then it won’t be a huge hit.
You need to find that point of commonality with your customers and then, you can finally hit a six!
4) Revisit Your Past to Fix the Present

When Jenna revisits her parents’ home and tries to track down what all happened in the last 17 years, she has a revelation that she was rude to her family and her friends all this while. And this is why she had no people from her past when she was 30.
And there goes your another design lesson!
When all your market strategies are failing, you can either get worried and go in a loop of anxiety or you can revisit the problem and understand where it all went wrong.
5) Be More With People

Jenna made it a point that rather than using models of her magazine, they must shine the light on common people, and that was the class of ‘04.
And there is your other marketing lesson!
Rather than advertising big sellers, you need to make sure that the campaigns must be relatable to the customers.
No matter how big the name of your celebrity is, if they don’t connect with your target audience then those efforts are down the drain.
With all the marketing and designing lessons, only you and I can relate to the pain of being a digital marketing manager.
And that’s when PixsMagic enters to make your life easier. We provide all kinds of services with respect to graphic designing and digital marketing that would make your life a lot easier. We help your startup to grow into a BRAND!
Don’t think! Just log on to PixsMagic and avail the services NOW!