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The Ultimate Guide to Instagram Hashtags 2022

You have been putting your day and night just to crack the high-performing Instagram strategy but still didn't get the desired result.

Maybe you are misusing the most highlighted part of your Instagram strategy?

The hashtag isn't dead. You're just misusing it!

Yes, I am talking about Instagram hashtags. Instagram hashtags can make or break your Instagram Marketing Strategy. If you use it correctly, you can see a great difference in terms of reaching the right number of audiences who are interested in your product or brand.

People question a lot about why use hashtags on Instagram or why hashtags are important.

This blog is all about giving you the right reason as to why you need to start following the hashtag marketing strategy.

Instagram hashtag guide 2022

1) What are Instagram Hashtags?

Hashtags are the combination of letters, numbers, symbols, or emojis preceded by the symbol of #. The main purpose of their use is to segregate or categorize content pieces and make them more discoverable so that the right content will reach the right audience.

Users can do a hashtag search. Hashtags are Clickable. Users can click on a particular hashtag and search for one and will see all the posts related to that hashtag.

2) Why are Hashtags Important?

So, here we land on our most asked question. Why are hashtags important?

Hashtags are very important for your Instagram marketing strategy. It is the most crucial part of the strategy to reach out to more people and expand your audience base. All the hashtags you will use in your post will make the post appear on the pages for those hashtags.

For a story, if a user uses a hashtag on the story, the possibility is that it could be included in the related hashtag story.

The most interesting part about hashtags is that users can follow hashtags. When a user follows a hashtag, they can see their hash tagged photos in their feed.

If you are a brand or an individual looking forward to building a community online, Instagram hashtags can be a great way to do so. For example, people from the LGBTQ community use #pride to show their pride in being a part of the community.

3) How to Find Trendy Hashtags on Instagram?

Instagram hashtags work differently from Twitter. Twitter publicly displays the trending hashtags list whereas Instagram does not.

If you search for a particular hashtag on Instagram, you will see the number of posts using that hashtag. The search will also show a few other popular hashtags similar to your search.

Search for a hashtag using the symbol # into the search box, and you will see so many options related to the word you used for your search including the number of posts published using that hashtag.

Even your Instagram feed can give you the list of trendy hashtags. Post with trendy hashtags appears on the top of the feed, and by paying attention, you can learn to quickly spot trending hashtags.

4) How Many Hashtags Should You Use on Instagram?

Learning why hashtags are important or why hashtags are important is not enough. You need to know exactly how many hashtags to use on Instagram for more reach.

Instagram allows you to add up to 30 hashtags on any regular posts, and 10 hashtags on a story. Instagram will not allow you to post more than this limit. If you try to use more hashtags, you will not be able to post.

The biggest mistake most of the creators make is that they try to use all 30 hashtags. Though, Instagram gives you the liberty to use 30 hashtags but it doesn't mean you should use.

Honestly, there is no accurate number of hashtags that you need to use for a better reach of your post.

5) How to Use Hashtags on Instagram - Tips and Tricks

Everyone can flaunt their knowledge in the theory aspects of hashtags, but a majority of people fail when it comes to applying the knowledge. Thus, here are a few tips and tricks to use hashtags on Instagram.

a) Use Hashtags to see which tags work the best

When you switch your Instagram profile to a business profile, you get access to post insights that can tell you the number of impressions you received from hashtags.

This kind of data helps you to know what kind of hashtags are working.

b) Include hashtags on Instagram stories

Hashtags have an Instagram story icon on the top left corner. When you click on it, you will see a collection of stories posts tagged with the hashtag from public profiles.

Two ways to add hashtags -

  • Use the hashtag sticker.

  • Use text tool and the # symbol to type out the hashtag the same way you would on a video or a photo post.

c) Avoid Banned Hashtags and Spam Hashtags

When inappropriate content is associated with a particular hashtag, then Instagram might ban that hashtag.

Though this doesn’t mean that you cannot use it at all, it means that if you click on that tag, you will see only top posts and not the recent ones.

d) Don’t Use Irrelevant or Repetitive Hashtags

Though it is tempting and much easier to copy the hashtags, however, that’s never advisable. If you use the same hashtags for every post, then your content might be penalized by the algorithm.

Thus, every time you post, you must use hashtags that make sense. The reason behind this is that the goal is not to be seen by a lot of people, it is all about getting seen by the right people.

e) Make Sure that the Hashtag You Use Means Exactly What You Think it Means

Hashtags are a string of words stuck together. And that can often create problems when it is not clear where one word ends and the next begins.

Brands often hop onto a trending hashtag without understanding the context fully. And when the context is challenging, it can end up in a PR disaster for the brand.


You can manage your entire Instagram presence and save time with PixsMagic. Create your marketing strategy, design graphics, stories, find the best hashtags, easily engage the audience, measure performance, and a lot more.

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